Digital Safety
Agence France Presse: one-hour online course on online security
International Women’s Media Foundation: “A Guide to Protecting Newsrooms and Journalists Against Online Violence”
IPI launches video tutorials on online harassment
The International Press Institute (IPI) has launched two new video series providing support to journalists targeted by online harassment and attacks.
The first series, produced in cooperation with the Dart Centre Europe, describes measures that both newsrooms and journalists can take to prevent or minimize the emotional stress and trauma that online harassment can create. These measures include strategies to implement peer-support networks, reduce moderators’ exposure to violent content and devise a self-care plan for journalists, among other remedies.
The second series, produced in cooperation with the Digital Freedom Fund, highlights existing legal remedies to fight online harassment. The videos highlight not only the types of laws that may be used to defend targets of online harassment, but also the pitfalls and unintended consequences that legal action itself can entail.
Both videos series form part of IPI’s recently launched Newsroom Ontheline platform, which offers tools and recommendations to help journalists and newsrooms develop defences against online harassment.
July 2022: New safety resources for protecting against online abuses
Includes editor’s checklist and centralizes info from separate CPJ advisories #CPJEMERGENCIES
Women journalists are facing a growing threat online and offline: AlJazeera.com
by @JuliePosetti, Global Director of Research @ICFJ - JackieHarrison6, UNESCO Chair on Media Freedom - and @SilvioWaisbord, professor at School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University
Access the survey report here
From Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. Information, tips and resources about protecting yourself and others against digital vulnerabilities that State and non-State actors can exploit. Available in French, English and Arabic. Created through generous funding from Open Technology Fund.
“Whether you’re experiencing or witnessing online abuse, this Field Manual offers concrete strategies for how to defend yourself and others. We wrote this guidance with and for those disproportionately impacted by online abuse: writers, journalists, artists, and activists who identify as women, BIPOC, and/or LGBTQIA+. Whatever your identity or vocation, anyone active online will find useful tools and resources here for navigating online abuse and tightening digital safety.” @PENAmerica
Rory Peck Trust’s digital security guide for freelance journalists
“How to protect your digital profile, your data and the data of your sources should form an important part of your security plan.
Digital attacks can have real-life consequences for you and the people you work with and a failure to safeguard yourself could mean that you are putting yourself, your sources and your colleagues at risk. Even taking small, simple steps can make a huge difference to your safety in the digital space.” @rorypecktrust
#NotOK: Newsroom Guide for Managing Online Harm (available in English/French) - CBC/Radio-Canada
IPSOS Canada: Online harm on the rise, particularly towards female and LGBTQ+ media professionals
(November 2021)
Committee to Protect Journalists @pressfreedom - Online Safety Kit for Journalists (revised April 2021) Four-part Safety Kit provides journalists and newsrooms with basic safety information on physical, digital and psychological safety resources and tools.